Publié le par Sylvain Saint-Martory

On the 2nd September 2009     


C/O World Meteorological Organization

7bis Avenue de la Paix 

C.P. 2300

CH- 1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland

Email :

[To the particular attention of sir Rajendra K. Pachauri]


Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would be very interested by your scientifically and philosophically argumentative answer to the following question :

« In an universe, which is perpetually in movement, and where EVERYTHING is in a constant movement, that is the  UNIQUE cause of the unceasing transformation of all the things of our world, human beings included,  HOW would-it be possible to definitively stabilize anything, and thus to establish on the planet a custom-made climate for the eternity, excepted by stopping this movement itself, precisely ? »

They are very strong these humans of the XXIe century, and they surely have no doubts about their pretentious arrogance. Nevertheless, only when you will give a credible answer to this question, i.e a scientifically demonstrated explanation, the human beings will cease to be handled on the climatic warming and the so-called means to remedy it - but until proof of the contrary, it's not for to-morrow  

Up to there, I inform you, that I am always waiting for an answer on the same question to my letter addressed to Nicolas Sarkozy on September the18th 2008, and to Jean-Louis Borloo on January 20th 2009, but these letters are at your entire disposal.  

However, in the expectation of your own answer, I thank you for your attention.

Yours sincerely







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